° 1949, Genk (Belgium)
1967-1971 Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp - Graphic Design
Wladimir Moszowski’s both parents grew up in the former Soviet Union (Ukraine). The apocalyptic transformation of an entire civilization (Stalinization / The Great Famine / World War II), the deportation to the stalags of Germany, and their banishment was the foundation of a ‘new life’. Emotionally and physically traumatized, these experiences reshaped their youth, as well as their former Communistic upbringing, into a creation of a ‘Shangri-La’ with mythic proportions. Real facts that they had once encountered were interwoven into tales of beauty, heroism, and a longing for an ideal world. As a child and young adult, Moszowski felt a loss of identity, akin to ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ by Robert A. Heinlein.
All those facts and stories triggered Wladimir Moszowski to the creation of a parallel world. Through therapy and working with his sub consciousness he found his way through this passage to his ‘Void’ : the ‘loss of identity transformed itself into the ‘Sublime Void’, which was a place where a dramatic enactment of identity, history, and fantasy could take place. His paintings create a parallel world in which he can play any roll he wants, can take any shape he wants, change identity, gender or age, enact situations from the past, reshape them, and create new ones. The search for identity is over. His ‘Sublime Void’ is his identity.
Everybody has his or her own myths, so to understand his paintings the viewer has only to ‘Compare Mythologies’.
In relation to contemporary art, he creates his own ‘Great Myth’ instead of just the storytelling in relation to politics and society in a specific niche.
2007 ‘What you see is what you get’ Galerie Kusseneers, Antwerpen
2006 ‘Pretty Things’ Galerie Kusseneers, Antwerpen
1999 ‘I love Panamarenko, I hate mystic shit’, Gal. C. De Vos, Aalst
1995 CC, Heusden-Zolder
1995 Jordaenshuis, Antwerpen
1995 Centrum voor Kunsten, Hasselt
1994 ‘B.O.O.M.’ Gemeentehuis, Boom
1994 ‘La chambre de H. / De kamer van H.’ De Zeyp, Ganshoren
1993 KNS, Antwerpen
1993 De Schakel, Cultuurcentrum, Waregem
1992 ‘Osiris in Kiev’ Totaalproject, Knokke-Heist
1992 ‘Tsjornyi bol’ Academie, Mortsel
1992 ‘O.I.K.H.I.R(ight) L(eft) Project’ H.I.R.L., Leuven
1991 ‘O.I.K. N°1’ Kapelgalerie, Antwerpen
1981 Gal. Centenaire, Antwerpen
1980 Gal. Jan De Maere, Brussel
1979 Gal. De Cercle, Oostende
2016 ‘Recent Paintings’, Ceulemans, Mannaers, Moszowski, Gaube, Gilbert, Ghekiere & Vanriet, Roberto Polo Gallery Brussels
2012 ‘Leaving for a living’, Hasselt
2009 ‘Teasers & Pleasers Gal. Kusseneers, Antwerpen
2008 ‘Nature : Attitude’ Bielefeld, Duitsland
2008 ‘Group Show’ Gal. Kusseneers, Antwerpen
2007 ‘Eloquent papers I’ Gal. Kusseneers, Antwerpen
2007 ‘Eloquent papers II’ Gal. Kusseneers, Antwerpen
2007 LA Art New York
2006 ‘Mind’s Matter I’ Gal. Kusseneers, Antwerpen
2006 ‘Mind’s Matter II’ Gal. Kusseneers, Antwerpen
2006 ‘Provinciale Kunstcollectie’, Antwerpen
2006 Art Cologne, Germany
2005 Lineart, Gent
2002 ‘Down in the park’, Koekelberg
2002 Digital Prints Project, Novosibirsk & Moscow, Russia
1999 ‘Video’ Argos, Brussel
1998 ‘Het Kempens Informatieblad’ Project Jef Geys/ Fabrice Hybert, Hasselt
1998 ’25 Jaren Reconversie, Concept Guy Bleus, Hasselt
1998 ‘Kunst in Provinciehuis’, Antwerpen
1998 ‘Permanentie’ Gal. C. De Vos, Aalst
1997 ‘Natuur en Industrie’ Beelden in Bel Air, Willebroek
1996 ‘Voldongen Feiten’, Galmaarden
1996 ‘All Antica’ St. Lucasgalerij, Brussel
1995 ‘... ziet eens wat een schoon koleuren ...’ De Warande, Turnhout
1995 ‘Living 2’ Weekend-Knack, Zaffelare
1995 ‘Metamorfosen’ Kapelgalerij, Antwerpen
1995 ‘Ithaka’, Leuven
1994 Gal. Ten Weyngaert, Vorst
1994 ‘Tuinen tonen’, Boom
1993 ‘Europaprijs’ Museum vr Schone Kunsten, Oostende
1992 Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid, Leuven
1992 ‘Beteken’ Cultuurcentrum Heusden Zolder
1991 Kapelgalerie, Antwerpen
1985 Cultuurcentrum Heusden-Zolder 1985 Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Oostende
1984 Hoger Instituut St Maria, Antwerpen
1984 Gal. Mercator, Antwerpen
1981 Casino, Knokke
1981 Leguit, Antwerpen
1978 Gal. Campo Antwerpen
1973 ‘Diamant’ Stadsfeestzaal, Antwerpen
1972 Warschau
1993 ‘B.O.O.M.’ Integration project Gemeentehuis Boom
1994 ‘BRAINWALL’ Integration project Biblioheek Kuurne
1995 ‘LIVING II - BRAINS’ Integration project, Private, Zaffelare
2001 ‘FLYING BOOKS’ Integration project Bibliotheek KdG Antwerpen